Rasa- gangadhara of Jagannatha PDF book

Sale price₹ 350.00


The Rasa-gaṅgādhara is an advanced textbook on poetics at the master's degree level in Sanskrit departments in the best universities. Jagannātha gave life to the concept of implied figures of speech, and most importantly revolutionized poetics by describing 11 theories of rasa, including a lucid explanation of the transcendental kind of aesthetic experience, a form of mystic trance. This topic is India’s finest contribution to the world of literary cultures. Jagannātha pours his heart out for his wife, the Ganges and Srī Krishna and wins the hearts of persons of good taste. The study of Sanskrit poetic theory and first-class poems makes the mind more receptive to implied meanings in day-to-day life.

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Translated by Gaurapada dasa

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